Saturday, 24 May 2014

New catalogue

Would  you would like to be in the mailout for the new stampin up catalogues?  Catalogues are $9.95  posted to your home . This is a special  price that stampin up have arranged for a limited time . The next mailout need to be to me by May 28 to be posted on June 6 . I have had a sneak peak at the new catalogues and it is over 200 pages of products and ideas !
Email your name and address to I will email you a paypal invoice to you so  can pay  securely  and quickly via paypal

Friday, 23 May 2014

Project Life Preorder

Get your hands on a selection of Project Life products before the new annual catalog comes out!
Customer ordering begins: 10 June, 2014
sign up for my newsletter so you don`t miss out on important dates and details

Wednesday, 21 May 2014


Be sure to sign up for my monthly newsletter on the right so you don`t miss out on any special deals and promotions

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Join Stampin up for $85

For six weeks only from May 27th , new recruits can join Stampin' Up! at one of two great prices. We will continue to offer the traditional starter kit priced at $169 ($235 product value), but for six weeks only we will also be offering a reduced priced starter kit at the low price of $85 ($90 product value.)
More details on May 27th  or contact me and I will email details to you on the day

Monday, 19 May 2014

Curly paper wreath

Just wanted to show this wreath I made with some designer series paper. Just trim the 12x12 papers into 1.5 cm strips and curl with your bone scorer .Pin all over a foam wreath .
I started with doing 6 pieces of paper and pin all over so the pattern is distributed evenly .Then just keep adding ,depending on the size of your wreath .All up only 1 hours work .